Thursday, December 10, 2015

How to market your music? A process by Vibgyor Yelahanka Band

After the tremendous success of the previous post on what it takes to be a rock band, Vibgyor Yelanhanka Band now wants to share another trade secret with all the aspiring musicians who liked and commented on our previous post. Before starting, we just want to say thank you for the overwhelming response. We had no idea our thoughts could move so many of you out of the closet and into pursuing your music.
First things first, while the soul of the band is all about the music, you need to know how to market your music. Yes the music matters, without a doubt and it is the backbone on which you will market yourself. Think about it – you have this amazing piece of music, your friends and family love it but now it has to be consumed by the masses – how?
Your first step to fame and glory, like VibgyorYelanhanka Band, has to be approachability and visibility. Are you visible online? Do you have a presence on social media or a website? Are you capitalizing on YouTube? Have you generated fans on social media? It’s not enough to open up pages dedicated to your band. You need to keep putting up pictures, video snippets, behind the scenes footage, your creative process, etc. on the pages. You need to create a dialogue and converse with your fans.
YouTube is the best friend you could have asked for! Vibgyor Yelanhanka Band started its journey with experimenting on YouTube. The only thing you need to remember about this platform is the need to figure out what works for you and what doesn’t with a trial and error method.
Another thing to keep in mind is to have products you can sell. Making a decent video for YouTube takes money and equipment. Entice fans to buy your products. Your products can be merchandize, songs, etc. Start building a repertoire of products to keep the cash flowing.

It is important to keep your music separate from the business of music. At the end of the day, neither should be compromised. Until next time; peace out Vibgyor Yelanhanka Band.